10 - The Wahhabite book says on page 208:
"Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya said, 'There are numerous kinds of polytheism: It is polytheism to ask the dead for what one needs and for help, too. The dead cannot do any work. Since the dead cannot get what they need or redeem themselves from harm, they cannot help anybody else, either. It is also polytheism to ask the dead to intercede with Allah for oneself. The dead can intercede if Allah permits. One's entreating the dead cannot be a reason for Allah to give permission. Such a polytheist will have asked for intercession by a means which prevents permission.' "
In reality, what is forbidden is to ask for intercession from the things which are declared by Allahu ta'ala to be unable to intercede, namely idols, the things which are worshiped or considered as partners to Allahu ta'ala. Prophets ('alaihimu 's-salawatu wa 't-taslimat), awliya' and 'ulama' (rahimahum-Allahu ta'ala) were declared to be able to intercede. Entreating them to intercede shows one's belief in the Qur'an al-karim and Hadith ash-Sharif. It is true that intercession will be possible by Allahu ta'ala's permission; but the Qur'an al-karim and Hadith ash-Sharif show those whom He will permit. And whom He will permit will intercede for those whom they wish and with whom they are pleased. This is pointed out in His declaration in Surat al-Wadduha, "Your Rabb will give you whatever you wish till you say that you are pleased." Al-Imam al-azam Abu Hanifa (rahimahum-Allahu ta'ala) wrote in the fourteenth chapter of his book Fiqh-i akbar, "Prophets, 'ulama' and sulaha' will intercede for those who have grave sins and will redeem them from Hell." There is detailed information on this subject in the commentary Al-qawl al-fasl of Fiqh-i akbar.
Muslims implore awliya' not so that Allahu ta'ala shall give them permission but for their intercession when they are given permission. The Wahhabis deviate since they can not understand this subtlety, and they put the stamp of 'disbeliever' on millions of Muslims who ask for shafa'a (intercession). Their book, too, writes that Rasulullah declared that he will intercede for the believers, but not for polytheists. The Wahhabi himself has made up the allegation that it is polytheism to ask the dead for intercession. By saying that the Qur'an al-karim declares that polytheists will not be interceded for, he tries to misuse Allahu ta'ala's Book as a false-witness for himself.