''Undoubtedly, one of the worst abominations perpetrated by the Wahhabis under the leadership of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab was the massacre of the people of Ta'if. They killed everyone in sight, slaughtering both child and adult, the ruler, the lowly and well-born. They began with a suckling child nursing at his mother's breast and moved on to a group studying Qur'an, slaying them, down to the last man. And when they wiped out the people in the houses, in the streets, the shops and the mosques, killing whoever happened to be there. They killed even men bowed in prayer until they had annihilated every Muslim who dwelt in Ta'if.''

Thursday, August 18, 2011


14 - Beginning on page 239, he says:

"It was declared in the Hadith that the worst of men are those who will be alive on the Last Day and those who will make graves masjids. Graves were made masjids before Islam. Later in the Islamic history, Muslims, too, have been going further than the pre-Islamic communities. They forget Allahu ta'ala when they are in trouble. They idolize the dead. They believe the dead will do what is asked from them. They say that 'Abd al-Qadir al-Geilani hears and helps those who pray. They think he knows ghaib [what is hidden, the secret] though he is dead. Those who say so become disbelievers. They deny the Qur'an. Ibn al-Qayyim said that it was wajib to demolish the domes built over graves. Al-Imam an-Nawawi said that it was haram to build domes on graves for whatever intention there might be. Those who say that performing salat in the graveyard was prohibited because of its being dirty are wrong, for, prophets' graves are not dirty. Ibn Hajar al-Haitami wrote in his Kabair, 'It is a grave sin to build domes over graves. It is necessary for Muslim statesmen to demolish such domes. First of all al-Imam ash-Shafi'i's domed tomb should be demolished.' "

Here again the Wahhabite book slanders Muslims. Muslims perform 'ibada for and beg Allahu ta'ala five times everyday. It is an overt lie to say that such Muslims forget Allahu ta'ala. Muslims do not worship the dead. Because many hadiths explain that Allahu ta'ala's beloved servants -even every dead person- hears in their graves, Muslims visit their graves, pray to Allahu ta'ala through their mediation and ask them to intercede for them. The dead cannot do whatever they wish. And the living cannot do whatever they wish, either. But, Allahu ta'ala promised that He would accept the prayers of His beloved servants, first of all His prophets' prayers. Muslims do not ask prophets (alaihimu 's-salatu wa 's-salam) and awliya' (rahimahum-Allahu ta'ala) to do something, but to pray to Allahu ta'ala to give something. Awliya' do hear what the visitors to their graves ask, and they pray to Allahu ta'ala to give them what they ask for, and Allahu ta'ala accepts the prayers of awliya'.

The following passage is translated from the 121st page of Ibn Hajar al-Makki al-Haitami's (rahimah-Allahu ta'ala) work Zawajir to expose the lies of the Wahhabite book. Ibn Hajar, after quoting hadiths, writes:

"Some Shafi'i scholars, taking the preceding hadiths into account, concluded that one of the six grave sins was to make graves masjids. The reason was that those who made prophets' graves masjids were condemned in a hadith, which also informed that those who made the graves of sulaha' masjids would be [regarded as] the worst of men on the Last Day. 'To make the graves masjids' means 'to perform salat facing those graves.' It was for this reason that the Shafi'i scholars declared that it was haram to perform salat facing the grave of a prophet or a wali, as a sign of respect for him. For such an act to be haram, firstly, the one in the grave should have been an uncommon, esteemed person, and secondly, the salat should be intended to be for the dead. Lighting candles at graves is also haram if it is for respecting the dead. So is going round graves. Hence it is inferred that such actions are makruh when they are done not as a sign of esteem. Respecting a grave by prostrating means worshiping it, which is a grave sin, even kufr. Some Hanbali scholars said, 'Performing salat by graves as a tribute is a grave sin and causes kufr. It is a must to demolish such tombs.' "

Ibn Hajar al-Makki al-Haitami (rahimah-Allahu ta'ala), in the Egypt edition of his book Al-fatawa al-kubra al-fiqhiyya, wrote in the chapter on janaza, "Domed tombs should not be built on graves in public graveyards where many corpses are buried. If already built, they should be demolished. It is not permissible to demolish the domed tombs in private graveyards for the purpose of burying a new corpse in them." On page 17, he wrote: "It is haram to build domed tombs in public graveyards. Those already built in public graveyards should be demolished. Constructing any kind of building in a graveyard belonging to a waqf or in a private graveyard without its owner's permission is also haram. It is makruh to build a domed tomb on one's own land or on someone else's land with his permission." On page 25, he wrote: "Building domed tombs in public graveyards is haram, for, it occupies much space and prevents others from being buried. Such domes should be demolished. It was for this reason that most Shafi'i scholars (rahimahum-Allahu ta'ala) issued the fatwa that al-Imam ash-Shafi'is (rahimah-Allahu ta'ala) domed tomb should be demolished, because it was in a public graveyard." It is seen that Ibn Hajar al-Makki did not say that every domed tomb was haram and should be demolished.

On page 209 of the book Zawajir, it is written that it is a grave sin to build high buildings for ostentation. Following the hadith ash-Sharif the Wahhabis should be demolishing not tombs but, as a wajib, the houses of dissipation and prostitution they built in Riyad, Taif and Jidda. The Wahhabite book, on page 248, quotes the hadith ash-Sharif, "Visit graves! Such visits will remind you of the Day of Judgement," and says that Rasulullah (sall-Allahu ta'ala 'alaihi wa sallam) visited his blessed mother's grave. But, saying that this hadith ash-Sharif did not enjoin asking the dead for anything, he attempts to liken Muslims' visiting the graves of the Prophet and awliya' to disbelievers' worshiping graves.

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