16 - He writes on page 257:
"A hadith reported by Abu Dawud says that we should say salawat on the Prophet and that he will be informed from wherever we say it. So, it does not make any difference to say it from near or afar. The grave should not be turned into a place of celebration."
In order to show that there is no need to visit the Hujrat as-Saada, he writes that Rasulullah (sall-Allahu ta'ala 'alaihi wa sallam) hears the salawat said for him, but he contradicts himself. He said before that the dead would not feel or hear, but here he writes that they can hear.
On page 416 he writes:
"The dead will not hear what is said to them. To ask them for prayers and intercession means to worship them."
His writing that Rasulullah (sall-Allahu ta'ala 'alaihi wa sallam) hears the salawat said for him and his latter words quoted above are contradictory. Furthermore, he quotes only one of the two hadiths from Abu Dawud. It does not suit his purpose to write the other one. Hadith scholar 'Abd al-Haqq ad-Dahlawi (rahimah-Allahu ta'ala), on page 378 of his book Madarij an-Nubuwwa, wrote: "A hadith ash-Sharif reported by Abu Dawud from Abu Huraira (radi-Allahu ta'ala 'anhuma) declares, 'When a person greets me, Allahu ta'ala gives my soul back to my body. I hear his greeting and reply to him.' And the hadith ash-Sharif narrated by Ibn 'Asakir (rahimah-Allahu ta'ala) declares, 'I will hear the salawat recited at my shrine.' "
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